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Title:On-going Research on Sound and Vibration (CSVR-PolyU)

时间:2018年9月10号11:00 - 12:00   地点:教学楼A414


Abstract:As one of the founding departments in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) almost eighty years ago, the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) has been actively involved in both fundamental and applied research to push the frontier of knowledge ahead in order to serve Hong Kong, its surrounding region and the word. Nowadays, ME is one of the most research-active departments on the campus and excels in a number of research areas that are germane to Hong Kong and beyond.  The research foci of the department are in four major areas of expertise and operated under three Research Centres and a Research Consortium under the University Niche Area scheme. As one of its constituents, the Consortium for Sound and Vibration Research (CSVR) carries out research in a wide spectrum of research topics, ranging from vibration and noise control, structural health monitoring and fluid-structure interactions. This talk will focus on a number of key research topics that are being carried out in CSVR to give the audience an overview of the CSVR and its research activities. Challenges and opportunities related to these on-going research activities will be discussed.


成利教授现为香港理工大学机械工程首席教授、声与振动研究会社主任。1984年毕业于西安交通大学, 1989年获法国国立应用科学学院博士学位, 1989年在加拿大谢布克大学从事博士后研究,1992年在加拿大拉瓦尔大学正式开始学术生涯,并在短短十年间由助理教授,副教授升任为终身教授。2000年起开始到香港理工大学工作并于2005年晋升为首席教授,2011-2014年间兼任机械工程系主任。成利教授在振动噪声、结构健康监测、流固耦合、智能材料与结构、控制等领域皆具有很高的学术造诣和影响,发表了200多篇期刊论文及250余篇会议论文,出版了多本学术专著,并拥有6项专利。成教授是美国声学学会、中国声学学会、美国机械工程师学会、香港工程师学会,香港声学学会当选会士,同时兼任香港理论与应用力学学会主席,国际声与振动学会及国际噪声控制工程学会理事。现担任Journal of Sound and Vibration 副主编,Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Structural Health Monitoring副编, 同时担任另外6个SCI期刊编委。成教授多次受邀在美国,英国,法国,中国,日本等地召开的多个行业最负盛名学术会议上做全会/大会主旨(Plenary/keynote)报告。