代表性论文 [1]郭阳, 刘展威, 赵正旭. 万维网链接结构的复杂性分析[J]. 计算机工程, 2011, 37(23):105-106. [2]Yang Guo, ZhengXu Zhao, Yiqi Zhou, Complexity Analysis with Function-call Graph on Windows Software [J], International Review on Computers and Software, vol.7, n.3, pp.1149-1153, 2012. (EI) [3]Yang Guo, ZhengXu Zhao, Community Detection Algorithms Using Modularity on Function Call Network of Software [J]. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, vol.43, n.13, pp. 248-254, 2013. (EI) [4]Yang Guo, ZhengXu Zhao, The Empirical Analysis of Function-Call Graph [C], Advanced Materials Research, vol. 798-799, pp.663-667, 2013. (EI) [5]Yang Guo, Zhengxu Zhao, and Wei Wang, Complexity Analysis of Software Based on Function-Call Graph [C], The 19th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. (EI) [6]Zhengxu Zhao, Yang Guo, Scale-free Model in Software Engineering: a New Design Method [C], 2013 International Conference on Geo-Informatics in Resource Management & Sustainable Ecosystem, 2013. (EI) [7]Zhengxu Zhao, Yang Guo, Weihua Zhao. Community Detection in Directed Weighted Function-Call Networks [J]. International Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, vol. 4, n.1, pp.9-13, 2015. [8]Wen Jinjie, Guo Yang, Zhao Zhengxu. Representation of raspberry PI practice in Z notation [J]. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2016, 4: 2231-0843. [9]Denghui Zhang, Yang Guo, Zhengxu Zhao, Yiqi Zhou. Co-authorship Networks in Additive Manufacturing Studies Based on Social Network Analysis [J]. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2016, 15(1): 1-6. [10]Qian Xu, Zhengxu Zhao, Yang Guo, Improvement of the Volume Data Segmentation and Visualization, Journal of Gummi Fasern Kunstst, 2016, 69(13): 11-15. (EI) [11]Zhang Denghui, Zhou Yiqi, Guo Yang. A modeling and optimization method for heterogeneous objects based on complex networks theory [J]. Cluster Computing, 2017: 1-10. [12]Zhang Denghui, Zhao Zhengxu, Zhou Yiqi,Guo Yang. A novel complex network-based modeling method for heterogeneous product design [J]. Cluster Computing, 2017: 1-12. [13]Yang Guo, Weihua Zhao, Zhengxu Zhao, et al. An Empirical Analysis of Function-call Graph on Software Maintenance[C], 2017 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2017). Shijiazhuang, China, 2017. [14]Qiang Zhang, Yang Guo, Zhengxu Zhao. Toward a framework of visualizing interplanetary movement: a method of software re-engineering from CSPICE[C], 2017 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2017). Shijiazhuang, China, 2017. [15]郭阳, 曹子腾, 赵正旭, 王威, 刘曼云. 基于Wi-Fi的三边定位算法的改进[J]. 现代计算机, 2019(24): 17-21. 出版专著 1.赵正旭主编,麒麟操作系统使用与推广,科学出版社,2015年. ISBN:978-7-03-042798-4 2.赵正旭,郭阳,王威,钟谦,彭育贵,赵卫华著,复杂网络分析与应用,科学出版社,2018年. ISBN:978-7-03-057570-8 3.赵正旭,郭阳,王威,赵卫华,钟谦,彭育贵著,信息组织及可视化,科学出版社,2019年. ISBN:978-7-03-057569-2 4.赵正旭,郭阳,王威,赵卫华,钟谦,彭育贵著,信息处理系统及软件布局,科学出版社,2020年.ISBN:978-7-03-057630-9 专利、软件著作权 1.一种太空观测域与实时三维可视化场景的联动方法,专利号:ZL201610102516.6. 2.函数调用网络复杂性分析软件V1.0。软件著作权登记号:2013SR066446. 3.交互式容积数据操作软件V1.0。软件著作权登记号:2013SR066239. 4.云层数据可视化系统V1.0。软件著作权登记号:2016SR027309. 5.基于国产操作系统的多源统计数据融合可视化系统V1.0。软件著作权登记号:2016SR306690. 6.基于Docker的GUI应用管理系统V1.0。软件著作权登记号:2021SR0815491. 7.基于MMS的机械臂控制系统V1.0。软件著作权登记号:2021SR0815492.