一、科研获奖 2017年度山东省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖:弱刚性整体薄壁件高速加工变形微观机理与控制技术,第一位。 二、代表性学术论文 [1] Yang, Y. and Zhu, W. FEM and experiment-based initial residual stress field construction for titanium alloy monolithic component blank. Int. J. Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 2015, 7(4): 481-495(SCI、EI收录) [2] Y. Yang, M. Li, K. R. Li. Comparison and analysis of main effect elements of machining distortion for aluminum alloy and titanium alloy aircraft monolithic component. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 70(9-12): 1803-1811 (SCI、EI收录) [3] Yong Yang, Weiwei Zhu. Study on cutting temperature during milling of titanium alloy based on FEM and experiment. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 73(9-12): 1511-1521 (SCI、EI收录) [4] 杨勇, 朱卫卫, 李明. 基于正交切削理论的航空钛合金切削加工本构模型构建. 中国有色金属学报, 2014, 24(5): 1259-1267. (EI收录) [5] Yong Yang, Weiwei Zhu. Calculation of microstress in machining distortion of titanium alloy monolithic component based on x-ray diffraction experiment. Computer modeling & new technologies, 2014, 18(8): 358-362. [6] Y. Yang, B. Liu, Y.L. Wang. Finite element simulation and analysis of initial residual stress field for titanium alloy monolithic component blank. Advanced Materials Research,2013, 629: 203-208. (EI、ISTP收录) [7] Yong Yang, Ming Li. Establishment of Mathematical Relation Model between Dislocation Motion and Machining Deformation of Titanium Alloy Monolithic Component. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 820: 212-215(EI、ISTP收录) [8] Yong Yang, Bing Liu. Experimental study on formation characteristics and laws of dislocation and stacking fault during cutting of titanium alloy. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 306728, 7 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/306728(SCI、EI收录) [10] Yong Yang, Yuling Wang, Changhe Li. Study on Machining Distortion of Titanium Alloy Aircraft Monolithic Component by Finite Element Method and Experiment. Adv. Sci. Lett. 2011, 4(8): 3206-3210 (SCI收录) [11] Yong Yang, Yuling Wang, Changhe Li. Study on Formation Mechanism of Saw-Tooth Chip of Titanium Alloy by FEM. Advanced Science Letters, Adv. Sci. Lett. 2011, 4(8): 3002-3006 (SCI收录) [12] YANG Yong, LI Jianfeng, SUN Jie. Correlation between Single Factor Material Constitutive Model Parameters and Temperature for Ti6Al4V Alloy. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2010, 23(5): 574-581 (SCI收录) [13] Yong YANG, Yuling WANG, Changhe LI. Mechanics Model and Finite Element Simulation of High Speed Orthogonal Cutting of Titanium Alloy. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, 139-141: 1101-1104 (EI、ISTP收录) [14] Yong Yang, Chengjun Chen, Changhe Li. Study on "Single Factor" Material Model Used in Finite Element Simulation of High Speed Cutting of Mo-Cr Cast Iron. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2010, 29-32: 365-369(EI、ISTP收录) [15] Yong Yang, Changhe Li, Fazhan Yang. Mechanics Model and Machining Distortion Analysis for High Speed Milling of Titanium Alloy Aircraft Monolithic Component. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2010, 29-32: 354-359(EI、ISTP收录) [16] Yong Yang, Yuling Wang, Changhe Li. Mechanics Modeling and Three-Dimensional Finite Element Simulating for High Speed Milling of Titanium Alloy. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2010, 29-32: 360-364(EI、ISTP收录) [17] Yong YANG, Yu-Ling WANG. Analysis and control of machining distortion for aircraft monolithic component aided by computer. Proceeding of Third International Conference on Information and Computing Science, IEEE Computer Society, 2010, 3: 280-283(EI收录) [18] Yong Yang, Huihui Li, Guangyao Meng. Study on Prediction of Machining Distortion for Titanium Alloy Aircraft Monolithic Component by FEM. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, 97-101: 2951-2954(EI、ISTP收录) [19] Yong Yang, Jie Sun. Finite Element Modelling and Simulating of Drilling of Titanium Alloy. Proceeding of Second International Conference on Information and Computing Science, IEEE Computer Society, 2009, 4: 178-181(EI、ISTP收录) [20] 杨勇, 李长河, 孙杰. 钛合金Ti6Al4V铣削加工中切削力的三维数值模拟. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2010, 18(3): 493-502 (EI收录) [21] Yong Yang, Jianfeng Li. Study on mechanism of chip formation during high-speed milling of alloy cast iron. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010, 46(1-4): 43-50 (SCI收录) 三、国家发明专利
