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 林天然    教授    博士生导师    泰山学者海外特聘专家  
最高学历:  博士研究生  
从事专业:  机械工程  
联系电话:  15954232860  
电子信箱:  trlin888@163.com  
工作单位:  青岛理工大学best365官网登录入口  
通信地址:  青岛经济技术开发区嘉陵江东路777号  
林天然博士2005年毕业于澳大利亚八校联盟、世界大学联盟、昂宿星大学联盟核心成员之一的西澳大利亚大学(2019年 USNews世界大学排名88名,QS世界大学综合排名91,ARWU世界大学学术排名世界第91名),获机械工程哲学博士学位。随后到澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学工作直到2015年通过山东省政府“泰山学者”人才引进项目获聘为泰山学者海外特聘教授全职到山东省青岛理工大学best365官网登录入口工作,同时兼任澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学兼职教授。林天然教授是美国声学学会高级会员(Full member),中国机械工程学会高级会员,中国振动工程学会高级会员,澳大利亚工程师协会(前)会员,2016年获聘为国际工程资产管理学会会士(Fellow, International Society of Engineering Asset Management),2019年获聘为英国德蒙福特大学荣誉客座教授。主要从事结构声学、振动噪声分析与控制、信号处理、机械装备在线监测与故障智能诊断方面的研究,并定期在相关领域国际权威学术期刊及主要国际会议上发表研究成果。受邀为包括本行业主要权威国际期刊在内的30多个SCI期刊评审论文,为国际主要学术出版社Elsevier, Springers和CRC Press评审学术专著与书稿。
2017年11月-至今,美国声学学会高级会员(Full member);
2018年8月-至今,亚太振动大会(Asia Pacific Vibration Conference)国际指导委员会委员;
1. X. Li, T. R. Lin, and D. Mba, “A Tutorial on Canonical Variate Analysis for Diagnosis and Prognosis”, in “Smart Monitoring of Rotating Machinery for Industry 4.0”, ed. by F. Chaari, X. Chiementin, R. Zimroz, F. Bolaers and M. Haddar, Springer, 2022, ISBN 978-3-030-79519-1, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79519-1_2, 11-31.
2. T. R. Lin*, Y. Kun and J. Tan, “Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Element Bearings”, in “Bearing Technology”, ed. by P. H. Darji, InTech Publishing, Croatia, 2017, ISBN 9789535131847 (http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/67143), 39-75.
3. 【美】Boyun Guo, Shanhong Song, Ali Ghalambor and 【澳】Tian Ran Lin,“近海管道设计、安装与维护”, 中国石化出版社,May 2016, ISBN 9787511439628 (吴玉国,王卫强译)
1. 作为中方负责人圆满结题海外自然合作基金项目 1 项
2. 主持山东省重点研发项目 1 项
3. 科技部高端人才引进项目 1 项
4. 获批青岛创新领军人才项目 1 项
5. 参与由青岛海尔集团牵头的山东省发改委新旧动能转换重大项目 1 项
6. 获批中央引导地方科技发展专项资金项目1项
6. 横向课题项目 9项
01. Kewen Wang, Gang Yu, Yongzheng Lu and Tian Ran Lin,“A Parameterized Iterative Synchrosqueezing Transform for the Analysis of Noise Contaminated Non-Stationary Signals”, Measurement 216 (2023) 112934(IF 5.6)
02 .K. Zhang, J. Pan, T. R. Lin*, H. Guo and B. C. Zhang, “Vibro-acoustic response of panel-cavity systems due to an internal sound source excitation”, Journal of Vibration and Control 2023, Vol. 0(0) 1–17 (IF 2.633)
03. H. Dong, G. Yu, T. R. Lin, Y. Li, “An energy-concentrated wavelet transform for time-frequency analysis of transient signal”, Signal Processing, 2023, 108934 (IF 4.729)
04. J. Li, D. Mba, X. Li, Y. Shang, S. He and T. R. Lin*, “An adaptive synchroextracting transform for the analysis of noise contaminated multi-component nonstationary signals”, Applied Acoustics 202 (2023) 109169 (IF 2.639)
05. H. Guo, K. Zhang*, T. R. Lin* and B. Zhang, “Effect of ribs on vibration characteristics of cantilever plate”, Thin-Walled Structures 182 (2023) 110205 (IF 5.881)
06. G. Yu, X. Huang, T. R. Lin and H. Dong, “A non-linear time-frequency tool for machinery fault diagnosis under varying speed condition”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 186 (2023) 109849 (IF 6.823)
07. Y. Shang, X. Tang, G. Zhao, P. Jiang and T. R. Lin*, “A Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Rolling Element Bearings Based on a Bidirectional Gate Recurrent Unit and Convolution Neural Network”, Measurement 202 (2023) 111893 (IF 5.6)
08. X. Li, T. R. Lin, Y. Yang, D. Mba and P. Loukopoulos, “Index Similarity Assisted Particle Filter for Early Failure Time Prediction with Applications to Turbofan Engines and Compressors” , Expert Systems with Applications, 2022 (IF 6.954)
09. J. Wang*, R. Zheng, T. R. Lin*, “Maintenance modelling for balanced systems subject to two competing failure modes”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety 225 (2022) 108637 (IF 6.188)
10. L. Zhao, T. R. Lin*, “A turned double-layer microperforated panel for low frequency sound absorption in enclosures with limited cavity space”, Applied Acoustics 188 (2022) 108594 (IF 2.639)
01. Hui Xi, Tian Ran Lin, Fengcai Wang, Tongjiang Duan, Guifei Wang, Yajun Shang and Yongzheng Lu,“A study on the contact mechanism in the cage pocket of an angular ball bearing”,The UNIfied and TEPEN Conferences (UNIfied 2023),2023年8月29日-9月1日,the University of Huddersfield, UK.
02. Yajun Shang, David Mba, Xiaochuan Li and Tian Ran Lin,“A remaining useful life prediction technique for rolling element bearings based on deep temporal feature transfer”,The UNIfied and TEPEN Conferences (UNIfied 2023),2023年8月29日-9月1日,the University of Huddersfield, UK.
03.J. Wang and T. R. Lin*, “Optimal maintenance policy incorporating component rearrangement for balanced systems”, The 10th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance (APARM2022), 21-24 October 2022, Hsinchu, Taiwan China
04. K. Zhang, J. Pan, T. R. Lin*, B. Zhang and H. Guo, “An analytical study of vibration response of an orthogonally bean stiffened orthotropic plate”, (Invited Presentation) ICSV28, Singapore 24-28 July 2022
05. 张凯,林天然*,“加筋板结构振动特性研究的一点新进展”,(特邀报告)中国声学学会计算声学分会2022年年会,2022年8月12-14日,山东胶州
06. J. Li, K. Wang, C. Ni and T. R. Lin*, “A multi-synchrosqueezing ridge extraction transform for the analysis of non-stationary multi-component signals”, IEEE PHM-2021, 15-17 October 2021, Nanjing China
07. X. Tang, H. Xi, Q. Chen and T. R. Lin*, “Rolling Bearing Remaining Useful Life Prediction Based on LSTM-Transformer algorithm”, TEPEN2021 & IncoME-VI, 21-23 August 2021, Tianjin, China
一种基于 PID 主辅双闭环纠偏控制系统, 张春巍;林天然;高山凤,ZL 2017 2 1834570.6
一种人体行为与意图的交互识别方法,祝凯;林天然等,ZL 2020 1 1544288.0
1.2022年,在TEPEN 2022国际学术大会获最佳报告奖;
4.2019 年,在加筋板结构振动与声学特性方面的研究工作获得了山东省研究生优秀成果奖;
5.2018 年,一篇关于简支厚板声辐射特性方面的论文,在第 28 届全国振动与噪声高技术应用学术大会上被评为优秀大会论文。
